Mark 10:45

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”



Over 275 million people are staring in the face of hunger, starvation, or the lack of resources to feed themselves according to the World Health Organization. Since the beginning of the world wide COVID pandemic, millions of people have lost their jobs and ability to care for their families. Our focus is to help fund indigenous leaders to feed people living in destitution. Our partners in Peru, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nepal, and Ukraine find themselves meeting spiritual needs as well, counseling and praying with people facing desperate situations. Your gift of $100 can help feed one hundred and fifty people a nourishing meal in a small community.



The greatest seed of hope we sow is in the hearts of children. Generational Missions is committed to bringing scholastic help to needy children in Lima, Peru through the LARRY COCHRAN school founded and directed by Wilma Grandez. This school recently celebrated ten years of existence and provides quality education to 130 children ages 4-13. Your gift of $30 a month can sponsor one child each month.



“Giving a hand up and not a hand out,” is a slogan of helping people live with dignity, providing adequate housing, food and clothing for themselves. Our micro loan program allows community members to start their own businesses and provide a means of security for their families. Your gift of $400 can help give an entire family the motivation to work and provide for themselves and provide a new sewing machine.


Church Planting

Evangelism and church planting are at the heart of the Great Commission. Our evangelistic efforts at Generational Missions include Bible distribution primarily to people living in darkness. Our calling is to assist church planters with building materials, Bibles, discipleship studies and providing two Bible conferences annually for new converts and pastors.  We want to make disciples not just converts!